
How Empowered Are You?

Your role as an COO / Integrator is vital, yet it often comes with immense pressure, constant problem-solving, and the need to balance competing priorities.

But how empowered are you in your role?

Are you leading from a place of strength and clarity, or are you slowly burning out from the weight of responsibilities and unspoken expectations?

This 50 question assessment is designed to help you take a step back and evaluate how Empowered you are as a Second-in-command so you can prevent burnout and self doubt.

This assessment can be completed in 5 minutes. 


Question 1 of 50

1- Choose the phrase that is most true for you


Others might say I often have difficulty identifying what I am feeling in relation to my roles and responsibilities as a (COO) Integrator.


I am aware of and identify my feelings, often in the moment. I know the difference between my thoughts and feelings.

Question 2 of 50

2- Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I embrace my feelings about the company vision; they are valid and important.


I secretly minimize, alter, or deny how I truly feel about the vision of the organization.

Question 3 of 50

3- Choose the phrase that is most true for you


My team would say I am completely unselfish and dedicated to the well-being of the visionary (CEO) and my team


My team would say I know the difference between caring and caretaking in a professional context.

Question 4 of 50

4- Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I tend to apologize when appropriate.


I tend to apologize frequently, even when I am not at fault

Question 5 of 50

5- Choose the phrase that is most true for you


When I do something for myself I feel Guilty or selfish.


When I do something for myself I feel deserving.

Question 6 of 50

6- Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I acknowledge when I sometimes need the help of my team.


I feel I can handle all my work tasks without any help from my team.

Question 7 of 50

7- Choose the phrase that is most true for you


Others would say I mask my frustration at work in various ways such as anger, humor, or isolation.


I am aware of my frustration and resentment related to work and express them appropriately.

Question 8 of 50

8- Choose the phrase that is most true for you


Some might say I tend to avoid direct communication with the (CEO) visionary and team, possibly out of fear of rejection.


I believe I am able to express my feelings openly, directly, and calmly to the (CEO) visionary and team.

Question 9 of 50

9-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I have a clear personal vision and there is clear communication regarding the growth path of my role as a Second-in-Command.


I often worry and think about my personal future and do not have a clear vision for the potential and growth in my role

Question 10 of 50

10- Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I often feel frustrated or taken for granted, like I'm carrying more than my fair share


I feel appreciated and balanced in my role, with a fair distribution of responsibilities

Question 11 of 50

11-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I believe in accepting myself as I am. I emphasize progress over perfection in my role.


I often judge what I think, say, or do harshly, as never good enough.

Question 12 of 50

12-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I am often embarrassed to receive recognition, praise, or gifts.


I feel appropriately worthy of the recognition, praise I receive in my (COO) Integrator role.

Question 13 of 50

13-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I value the opinions of those I trust, but don't need their approval.


The (CEO) visionary and team's approval of my thinking and feelings, is very important to me

Question 14 of 50

14--Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I recognize myself as a valuable person in my professional capacity.


I often doubt my capabilities to serve in my role as a Second-In-Command

Question 15 of 50

15- Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I find it challenging to change course once I've committed to a plan or task, especially after investing significant effort into it


I’m able to reassess and adjust my course when necessary, even after putting effort into a plan or task, ensuring that my actions align with greater good of the company

Question 16 of 50

16- Choose the phrase that is most true for you


Consistent self care is important for sustained well-being and leadership.


Self care is does not contribute to being a great leader

Question 17 of 50

17-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I am okay with admitting mistakes to myself and my team and hearing their opinions.


It’s important to me to appear to be right in the eyes of the (CEO) visionary and leadership team.

Question 18 of 50

18-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I often feel exhausted and overwhelmed, like I am running on empty


I generally feel energized and capable, even with a busy schedule.

Question 19 of 50

19-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


My team would say I tend to perceive myself as equal to others in the workplace.


My team would say I tend to perceive myself as superior to my colleagues.

Question 20 of 50

20-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I often have difficulty getting started, meeting deadlines, and completing projects.


I avoid procrastination by meeting my responsibilities in a timely manner.

Question 21 of 50

21-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I am able to establish and uphold healthy priorities and boundaries in my professional life.


I often have trouble setting healthy priorities and boundaries.

Question 22 of 50

22-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I am committed to my well-being and leave situations that are inconsistent with my goals.


I am extremely loyal, often remaining in unhealthy situations too long.

Question 23 of 50

23-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


When serving others I believe in being rooted in my own values, even if the (CEO) visionary doesn't agree or becomes angry.


when serving others, I believe in sacrificing my own values and integrity , to avoid rejection or anger.

Question 24 of 50

24-choose the phrase that is most true for you


I put aside my own roles and responsibilities in order to do what others want.


I consider my interests, roles, responsibilities, and priorities before helping others with their roles.

Question 25 of 50

25- Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I tend to be hypervigilant regarding the feelings of Visionary (CEO) and take on those feelings.


I can separate my feelings from the (CEO) Visionary's feelings.

Question 26 of 50

26-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I often am afraid to express my beliefs, opinions, and feelings when they differ from the (CEO) visionary


I respect my own opinions and feelings and express them appropriately.

Question 27 of 50

27-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I consider possible consequences before I make decisions in my (COO) integrator role.


I tend to make decisions in the moment, without considering the broader impact of my actions

Question 28 of 50

28-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I stand my ground and am not afraid to make difficult changes and decisions.


I often get worn down and give up and therefore avoid difficult change.

Question 29 of 50

29-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I often find the (CEO) visionary rejecting shaming and expressing anger towards me.


I approach situations in a way that fosters constructive and positive responses from the (CEO) visionary.

Question 30 of 50

30-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I often criticize or hold rigid judgments about what the (CEO) visionary and others think, say, or do


I keep an open mind and accept the (CEO) Visionary and team as they are.

Question 31 of 50

31-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I use direct and straightforward communication with the (CEO) visionary to resolve conflicts and deal appropriately with confrontations.


I sometimes use indirect or evasive communication to avoid conflict or confrontation with the (CEO) Visionary.

Question 32 of 50

32-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I often tell myself I'm too busy and overwhelmed to take time off for education


I often take time to gain new ideas, education, and growth, enhancing my role as a Second-In-Command.

Question 33 of 50

33-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I tend to suppress my feelings or needs to avoid feeling vulnerable.


I embrace my own vulnerability by honoring my feelings and needs.

Question 34 of 50

34-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I express my emotions thoughtfully and when it feels appropriate


I view showing emotions as a sign of vulnerability and weakness

Question 35 of 50

35-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I freely engage in expressions of appreciation toward the (CEO) visionary and team.


I tend to hold back on expressing appreciation toward the (CEO) visionary and team.

Question 36 of 50

36-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I Believe the (CEO) Visionary and leadership team have difficulty taking care of themselves.


I realize that, with rare exceptions, other team members are capable of managing their own responsibilities.

Question 37 of 50

37-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I sometimes attempt to convince the (CEO) Visionary and others what to think, do, or feel.


I accept the thoughts, choices, and feelings of the visionary and others, even though I may not be comfortable with them.

Question 38 of 50

38-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I tend to freely offer advice and direction without being asked.


I tend to give advice only when asked.

Question 39 of 50

39-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I’m gratified when others are able to manage their own needs.


I Become resentful when the (CEO) Visionary and others decline my help or reject my advice.

Question 40 of 50

40-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I sometimes share more information than necessary with the management team to justify my actions or enhance my image


I communicate relevant information to the management team, keeping my focus on what's necessary and appropriate.

Question 41 of 50

41-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I often say yes to things even when I don’t want to, because I feel I should or fear disappointing others.


I confidently say no to requests when they don't align with my capacity or priorities, even if it might disappoint others.

Question 42 of 50

42-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I find resources to meet my needs without demanding from the (CEO) visionary and ask for help without expectation.


I expect my personal considerations be met by the (CEO) Visionary and team.

Question 43 of 50

43-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I often rely on charm and charisma to convince the (CEO) visionary and team of my caring and compassionate nature


I interact authentically, letting my genuine care and compassion shine through.

Question 44 of 50

44-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


When things go wrong I tend blame myself excessively


When things go wrong I reflect on my actions and seek solutions.

Question 45 of 50

45-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I tend to only share personal information with trusted individuals and value my privacy.


I find myself oversharing personal information with the (CEO) Visionary and team.

Question 46 of 50

46-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


My Family would say I find it hard to keep a work/life balance and rarely prioritize personal life over work responsibilities


My family would say I am consistent about protecting my boundaries and prioritizing work/life balance.

Question 47 of 50

47-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I struggle to manage stress and pressure effectively in my role and often get overwhelmed.


I implement effective stress management tools and techniques in my role so I can handle the pressure and stress.

Question 48 of 50

48-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I know where my role starts and ends, what I have control over, and where I need to let go.


I frequently attempt to influence outcomes that extend beyond my role and responsibilities

Question 49 of 50

49-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I often find myself doing many tasks I don't enjoy and I am not good at.


I am clear about my passions and what I am great at, and delegate everything else.

Question 50 of 50

50-Choose the phrase that is most true for you


I find it challenging to assert my leadership style and often waver in how I present myself as a leader


I am confident in my leadership style and consistently show up as my authentic self.

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